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Philippine vessel causes collision with China Coast Guard ship near Xianbin Jiao

BEIJING, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) — A Philippine vessel on Sunday intruded into the adjacent waters of Xianbin Jiao of China’s Nansha Qundao and caused a minor collision with a China Coast Guard (CCG) ship.
The intrusion of the vessel was not permitted by the Chinese government and the CCG has taken lawful control measures against it, according to the CCG.
At 2:12 p.m., the Philippine vessel ignored repeated warnings from the Chinese side and deliberately sailed toward the Chinese ship in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, causing the collision, said CCG spokesperson Gan Yu.
Responsibility for this incident lies entirely with the Philippine side, Gan added.
“We sternly warn that the Philippine side must immediately stop the infringement and provocation, or it must bear all the consequences,” Gan said. ■
